1. Against the God who rules the sky I fought with hands uplifted high;
Despised the mention of His grace, too proud to seek a hiding place!
But an eternal counsel ran: “Almighty love, arrest that man!”
I felt the arrows of disgrace and found I had no hiding place.
My Jesus is my hiding place, surrounding me with steadfast love and grace.
In death He’ll be my hiding place and I shall ever see His smiling face.
2. Indignant Justice stood in view; to Sinai’s fiery mount I flew;
But Justice cried with frowning face, “This mountain is no hiding place.”
Ere long a heav’nly voice I heard, and mercy for my soul appeared,
Which led me on with smiling face to Jesus Christ, my hiding place.
3. On Him almighty vengeance fell: enough to sink the world to hell,
He bore it for His chosen race, and thus became their hiding place.
Should storms of mighty vengeance roll and shake this earth from pole to pole,
No flaming bolt could daunt my face for Jesus is my hiding place.
Words: Jehoida Brewer and David L. Ward
Music: David L. Ward
Vocalists: Diane Brown, Jaz Hoffman, Philip Webb
Instrumentalists: Cathy Biagini, Enoria Lee, Benjamin Mason
Arrangement from Hymns of Grace Accompaniment Edition https://hymnsofgrace.com/products/accompaniment-edition-dvd-hymns-of-grace
© 2008 ThousandTongues.org
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit: https://hymnsofgrace.com
Up Next in Season 2
My Ransom (Hymn 208)
1. What fear can overtake my vision?
What doubt can overcome my faith?
What strife can silence all my singing?
Lord, Your wounds have paid my ransom.Refrain:
And what unspeakable mercy has emptied heaven’s reserve?
And what Redeemer so worthy has covered sin with such love?
And what unsearchab... -
I Run to Christ (Hymn 166)
1. I run to Christ when chased by fear
And find a refuge sure.
“Believe in Me,” His voice I hear;
His words and wounds secure.
I run to Christ when torn by grief
And find abundant peace.
“I too had tears,” He gently speaks;
Thus joy and sorrow meet.2. I run to Christ when worn by life
And ... -
See He Comes (Hymn 422)
1. See, He comes upon the clouds, Jesus Christ our King appears.
All the saints bought by His blood will rise to meet Him in the air.
Earth and sea shall flee away, all creation waits and groans,
For the Lord redeemer comes to take His longing exiles home.Refrain:
Halelujah, halelujah, come,...