1. Hail the day that Christ arose,
Through the skies to worlds unknown.
Glorious there He ever reigns,
Object of all heaven’s praise.
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
The King of love is on His throne.
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
His grace will lead us safely home.
2. See Him lift His hands above,
See the scars of His great love.
He has conquered death and sin,
Saving all who hope in Him.
3. Though He dwells beyond the stars,
His redeemed are on His heart.
Even now He intercedes,
Jesus cares for all our needs.
Hallelujah, we are redeemed.
Hallelujah, Jesus is King!
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
The King of love is on His throne.
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
His grace will lead us safely home.
Hymnology was produced by Grace Productions in partnership with Hymns of Grace. Hymns of Grace exist to assist believers in their corporate and private worship of God. For more information about Hymns of Grace, visit: https://hymnsofgrace.com
Up Next in Season 1
Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow (Hymn...
1. Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow,
Where the blood of Christ was shed,
Perfect man on thee did suffer,
Perfect God on thee has bled!2. Here the King of all the ages,
Throned in light ere worlds could be,
Robed in mortal flesh is dying,
Crucified by sin for me.3. Oh, mysterious condescen...
All Glory Be to Christ (Hymn 133)
1. Should nothing of our efforts stand, no legacy survive;
Unless the Lord does raise the house, in vain its builders strive.
To you who boast tomorrow’s gain, tell me what is your life?
A mist that vanishes at dawn, all glory be to Christ!Refrain:
All glory be to Christ, our King, all glory b... -
Here Is Love (hymn 185)
1. Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Lovingkindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout heav’n’s eternal days.2. On the mount of crucifixion,