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The High Priestly Prayer

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The Farewll Discourse, Part 2

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The High Priestly Prayer

" The High Priestly Prayer" Austin Duncan on March 29, 2023.

This year we are studying the gospel of John, one of the most cherished books in all Scripture. As we explore this vital account of the incarnation, ministry, and atoning work of Jesus Christ, our faith will be strengthened, and our un...

The Arrest and Trials of Jesus

"The Arrest and Trials of Jesus" Kelly Hazelrigg on April 5, 2023.

This year we are studying the gospel of John, one of the most cherished books in all Scripture. As we explore this vital account of the incarnation, ministry, and atoning work of Jesus Christ, our faith will be strengthened, and...

The Crucifixion of Jesus

" The Crucifixion of Jesus" Glenna Anderson on April 19, 2023.

This year we are studying the gospel of John, one of the most cherished books in all Scripture. As we explore this vital account of the incarnation, ministry, and atoning work of Jesus Christ, our faith will be strengthened, and our...